Such a useful douches

Such a useful douches
 Douches - this is a useful procedure available to everyone. However, the first should be familiar with the specifics of the therapeutic effects that it may have, as well as the possible effects on the human body.

Firstly, the douche is very suitable for those who want to lose weight and get rid of cellulite. The fact that the temperature drops walls of blood vessels actively reduced, resulting in cells derived from excess moisture and fat, and toxins (ie, all the components of this unpleasant phenomenon).

Douches useful for those who have problems with the stability of the heart of the system, for example, if a person suffers cardiac arrhythmia or heart failure. Such procedures are actively improve blood circulation, and improve nutrition of the heart muscle. Therefore, the best way to prevent cardiovascular disease - is a daily morning douche.

Douches can be miraculous cure even a common cold - not least from what has excellent stimulating effect on the immune system and blood composition as a whole. Therefore, at any diseases, and especially viruses, douches can be the perfect companion on the road to recovery. But be careful - in acute forms of inflammation, such as sore throat or pneumonia from such procedures is better to refuse.

Besides douche clearly prescribed for people with slow metabolism, obesity, obesity, constant tiredness and fatigue. Just a few procedures suffering all these feel much better - so than not a reason to start the morning with a simple and refreshing treatments?

At first, must tread lightly alternate temperature, start with a warm and gradually make it hot to warm up the body. Water also should not be too cold, so start with cool. Each time the "temperature" at first - about 30 seconds, and then you can increase it up to a few minutes. By the way, if your shower head massage, the effect will be stronger.

Tags: temperature, water, shower, use