Seaweed wrap at home

Seaweed wrap at home
 Seaweed wraps are an indispensable procedure in the fight against cellulite and sagging skin. Just a few of these sessions, you will notice a positive effect, reducing the volume of the thighs, buttocks and waist. Today you can buy kelp in a specialty store and carry out the procedure wraps at home without spending a lot of money on beauty salons.
 Every self-respecting woman does not suit the skin of the buttocks and thighs, similar to orange peel. So she starts looking for a suitable procedure in an attempt to get rid of cellulite. Seaweed wraps are most effective after the procedure the skin becomes wonderfully supple and smooth. Excitement and fatigue after a hard day go away, leaving a beautiful and healthy skin.

In algae contains optimal amounts of magnesium, iodine, silicon and potassium, in which the body is constantly experiencing an acute shortage. A trace elements, minerals, lignans, chlorophyll derivatives and polysaccharides improve the functioning of the nervous system, allow to cope with the hated cellulite and beneficial effect on the whole body.

Algae absorb all the positive energy of the sea, all biologically active and useful substances contained in seawater. Therefore, they are a huge benefit to the human body and the body simply undeniable. During the wrapping process, all substances are absorbed into the skin, whereby the fat is cleaved gradually. Leave out all the toxins, toxins and excess tissue fluid, the skin begins to be updated.

Before you proceed to seaweed wraps, you must thoroughly clean the skin: slightly moisten the skin and apply a small amount of scrub. Then carefully massage in a circular motion problem areas of the body and rinse with warm water. Most effective algae can be achieved if, before wrapping to visit the bathroom or sauna. Maximally dilated pores and promote abundant minerals deep penetration into the skin.

To combat cellulite, fat burning and body shaping in the area of ​​waist and hips are recommended hot wraps. They provide deep penetration of active ingredients and allow algae can magnify the effects of other treatments. Hot wraps are good for strengthening the flabby areas of the body and breast skin.

To carry out the cold seaweed wraps, you must first two or three hours kelp soak in water at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Hot Soak seaweed treatments for thirty minutes in warm water (36-38 degrees). Algae are taken from the rate of 100 grams per liter of water.

Apply soaked in water algae on the problem areas or the entire body. To strengthen anti-cellulite effect, the body Wrap with cling film and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Lying down for 40-60 minutes. After time, remove algae and wipe the skin of the infusion, which remained from the maceration or just take a shower.

It is advisable to do the procedure wraps the evening, as it was at this time the skin is most receptive and learns the maximum number of minerals. A great effect can be achieved during the whole course of such procedures, one course includes 6-12 sessions. Take a break between courses in 2-4 months.


Wrapping procedure is cosmetic, but it has a number of contraindications:

- Cardiovascular disease,
- Skin diseases,
- High temperature of the body,
- Hypertension,
- Diabetes severe stage,
- Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins,
- Trophic ulcers,
- Oncology,
- Pregnancy,
- Are allergic to iodine.

Tags: House pets, conditions, procedures, wrapping