Russian bath for weight loss

Russian bath for weight loss
 For many centuries the Russian sauna does not lose its popularity. And no wonder! Even in ancient Greece, in VII-V centuries. BC bath procedures used for medicinal purposes, including in the fight against obesity.

Today, the healing properties of the Russian bath found more and more applications in folk and traditional medicine. But still, as in ancient times, it is considered naieffektivneyshim, and most importantly - healthy and natural way of getting rid of excess fat.

The correct approach to the therapy of bath, namely a combination of bath procedures and rational, balanced nutrition, gives excellent results. For one procedure can lose up to 2 pounds overweight, but only if you follow a strict regimen of drinking. This means that the need to drink, but in small quantities and not often.

Absolutely can not do without liquid, as in a bath body sweats heavily - it is natural, but if you do not give the body moisture from the outside, may cause it to dehydration, which can lead to negative consequences. "Treat" your body in the bath is best herbal extract or green tea, but in any case no beer, Fanta and similar carbonated beverages. They cause an even greater thirst, and a slimming effect will be zero.

The greatest effect of slimming bath treatment is achieved by using some additional tools, such as a salt with honey or honey and radish. But they are good only if the body does not have any wounds: rash, scrapes, burns, sores and fungal infections.

These funds are used in the steam room for rubbing the body. With their help, sweating amplified and continues for a few minutes after the exit. It is therefore recommended not to wash off with a mixture immediately after the release of steam, it is better to wrap yourself in a bathrobe and continue to sweat. And after, after 10-15 minutes, take a warm (but not cold) showers.

On the time spent in the steam room should not exceed 10 minutes (longer a pastime it is dangerous to health), then you need to wrap up a sweat in the dressing room. Such approaches to losing weight should not be less than five.

But we should not forget about the main thing! Although the therapeutic properties of the Russian bath is quite extensive, at the same time extremely bath procedures are contraindicated for people suffering from heart disease, and even the slightest signs of having a first heart failure. In this case it is better to use other types of weight loss or to consult on this matter with your doctor.

Tags: Russian, slimming, Russian, property