Rejuvenating facial massage

Rejuvenating facial massage
 The facial skin is constantly exposed to sunlight, wind chill or heat. Facial muscles cause the skin to constantly expand and contract. It is not surprising that with age, it loses elasticity, healthy complexion, smooth and velvety. It is important to help the facial skin to keep youth and elasticity. The basic technique for such assistance is rejuvenating massage.

Before starting the procedure, you must thoroughly clean the skin. This can be done using a special tonic, lotion, or by using a special foam to remove makeup. Next, you need to warm up the skin. Fold terry towel in a small roller, dip it in hot water (you can use tincture of chamomile, calendula, series), but not boiling water, wring it out well and apply on the face in the form of a donut, so that the middle of the roller fell on the chin, and the ends closed up on his forehead . For good warming this procedure can be repeated several times.

Now put on your face and neck a large number of fat cream. Your face is ready for the massage. Massage should be carried out on the massage lines. Wrong direction of movement can aggravate existing wrinkles.

Begin with light strokes from the center of the forehead to the temples. Movements must be performed with your fingertips without unnecessary pressure. Move fingers without interruptions and surges. In no case do not injure the skin. Massage the eye wires from the inner edge to the outer eye on the upper eyelid and on the lower eyelid, on the contrary, from the outer corner of the eye to the inside. Next, move your fingers down the nose to the nasolabial folds, and then to the corners of the mouth and the lower edge of the ear on the cheeks.

Massage in the chin made foreign hand. Start moving from the middle of the chin and move to the lower edge of the ear. Next, turn the palm of the inside, go to the chin to the front of the neck and work your way down. The side of the neck massage movements from the front of the neck to the sides.

At the end of the massage tapping his fingertips on the face, moving along the massage lines outlined above. After the procedure, remove excess cream cloth.

Now you should not feel stress or pain. You should feel the blood flow to the skin and tissues of the face and neck, which saturate the cells with oxygen and nutrients, rejuvenating your face.

Rejuvenating facial massage combined with a proper diet, drinking enough pure sparkling water and not enough rest quickly bring great results. Your skin will be smooth healthy complexion, wrinkles smoothed, and you will radiate health and beauty.

Tags: skin, face, massage, care technician