Medicinal baths pep and joy of the body

Medicinal baths pep and joy of the body
 About the healing power of baths knew at a very early days. Especially popular were the bath with the addition of essential oils. However, the procedure is not pleasant to harm health, while taking a bath you need to adhere to certain rules.

First of all, you must know that the bath can be cool, hot and indifferent.

Cool baths, temperature not exceeding 33 ° C, remove drowsiness, raise immunity, return a lost appetite. In the cool water can be 5 minutes.

Hot tub continues normally over 10 minutes and the temperature of water in them more 40C. It is very important to the heart and head out of the water - it is very harmful. Hot baths help with frequent colds, obesity, gout. But such baths can greatly harm health. They strongly dehydrate the body, cause peeling of the skin, exacerbation of certain diseases. Therefore, they should not be taken at home.

Apathetic bath clean irritability help facilitate sleep, relieve headaches. They can take a long time to half an hour. The water in the bathrooms 34-39oS indifferent.

Fillers for baths, too, need to choose correctly. Their effect on the body is that in human blood through the epidermis and enter the lymph useful substances which affect the organism.

Bath with essential oils, primarily affect the skin. After the oil bath she becomes velvety, delicate, fragrant, delicate aroma and acquires silky. These baths cleanse the skin, saturate it with vitamins and moisturize. Oils penetrate deeply into the pores and quickly into the blood.

Orange oil, thyme, lavender, lemon reduce cellulite, tone the skin, make it more toned and elastic.

Bath with macadamia oil, jasmine, rose, or tea tree oil tones the skin and stops the aging process.

Tone, relieve fatigue and uplifting bath with basil oil and ylang-ylang.

Too many oils are aphrodisiacs. Bath with myrtle, jasmine and rose enhances women's passion, increase male desire.

A well-chosen essential oils and their exact dosage will delight the body, lift your spirits, help create a romantic atmosphere. But an overdose after taking a bath oils can be burned or allergy. That's why oil should only buy from a pharmacy and specialty stores, and before use, carefully read the instructions.

Tags: spirit, bath, body, joy