Massage in the sauna: Be more beautiful!

Massage in the sauna: Be more beautiful!
 In the East, massage since ancient times is considered not just a particular physical impact, and the whole ritual, which is closely related to the Buddhist teachings. With the help of massage regulates the flow of the body's energy. Therefore massage done in the sauna, you can not just physically and mentally healthier, but also give you an unforgettable feeling of peace and relaxation. There are several types of massage, complementary rest in the bath or sauna.

There are many different techniques of classical massage that can perform as in a bath or sauna. Neurophysiological massage you will be able to relax as much as possible, to bring about positive emotional experience. A 20-minute stress relieving scalp massage or individual parts of the body, you will feel lightness throughout the body.

Tandem massage, which is carried out in four hands, allow you to get twice as much fun.

In this case, one of the most basic and pleasant massage varieties used in the bath, is Turkish. First you have to steam for 10 minutes, then immediately plunge into a lather. Here you will experience the amazing feeling of gentle touch of hands and foam.

Curative action pair perfectly able to supplement therapeutic massage in the sauna. He performed with honey and was known in ancient Tibet. Its technology is as follows: Take two teaspoons of honey and apply them to the skin pat. Hands sharply push the massaged area, but then they also come off. The essence of this massage is to "push" the honey into the skin. One session takes about 5-10 minutes. As a result of this massage improves blood circulation, smoothes cellulite.

Effective means to rejuvenate the skin is massage with scrub. In this case, the removed dirt and dead cells. Furthermore, the skin gets plurality nutrients which give it flexibility as well as result in tone. The session is held for about 20 minutes.

Cup massage is performed using special cans that resemble the famous banks from bronchitis. The vacuum that is created within them, perfectly removes cellulite. Technique is considered to be a very powerful tool for rejuvenation. Procedure lasts about 5-10 minutes, but even after you pass a pain obtained by stretching muscles.

Tags: massage, sauna, use