Japanese bath ofuro: history, benefits and healing properties

Japanese bath ofuro: history, benefits and healing properties
 In Japan, under the name "bath ofuro" means not only a bath complex, and the whole club, which includes a cinema, and a restaurant, and a reading room. Japanese businessmen often negotiate in these baths, and I must say, very well. And before the elections Japanese politicians to campaign in the ofuro baths, inviting more people.

Ofuro - is not just a room, and a special ritual washing of the body, rejuvenate the body and soul relaxation. In Japan, it is considered that the ofuro combines four elements - water, earth, fire and air. Fire represents heat as the average temperature of 40-45 degrees in the bath. Water and air - is steam that rises in excess over ofuro. And finally, the element of earth corresponds to the tree from which made bath.

Ofuro baths date back to the ancient times. The Japanese did not recognize the soap because it consisted of the components of the killed animals. As true Buddhists, the Japanese could not let that happen. Have developed special barrels, in which water is heated above normal, and could do without soap.

So how do you look ofuro bath? This is a common barrel, consisting of different types of wood: larch, oak, pine. Near the barrel is a special oven which heats water to a temperature and maintains it for the time required. In the barrel added various aromatic oils and salt, rich in minerals. The Japanese never wash in ofuro. According to Japanese tradition, first you need to go to the shower, and only then in the ofuro. This is not a bath, but a way to relax after a hard work week. It is interesting that the bath steamed once for the whole family or group.

There are some rules ofuro visit:

1. Lie down in a barrel need no more than 15 minutes, since it is possible heart palpitations, especially for beginners.
2. lowered into the bath is necessary to heart level.
3. In ofuro, you can add special therapeutic salt and components, the main thing - do not overdo it, as too concentrated aromas of steam may discourage be in the bath.

And finally, what is the benefit is ofuro? Firstly, it opens the pores and cleanses the skin better than any peelings. Secondly, ofuro relaxes muscles and the body. Third, this is a great way to deal with being overweight. And, fourthly, sauna perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps fight with chronic lung disease.

Japanese ofuro spread throughout the world. If you are interested in the national Japanese bath, you can find out suddenly near your house has spa-complex, in which there is a miracle cure.

Tags: history, use, property, ofuro