How useful mud bath and sauna

How useful mud bath and sauna
 For many centuries, a sauna, and a mud bath served people as health and beauty treatments. Each country has its own traditional ways of man and the use of therapeutic mud.

Currently mud baths used if necessary to act simultaneously on different parts of the body, for example, the spine and joints of the limbs. This person is fully immersed in the mud bath, except the heart and neck. You can also take the local baths, when immersed in the mud only a limb or back. Some spa therapeutic mud bath in diluted sea water or mineral water, which only adds to its positive effect.

Mud bath has a most beneficial effect on the body: increases metabolism, dilate blood vessels and the pores of the skin, increased body temperature, breathing and pulse quickens, speeds up the healing of chronic inflammatory processes. Also, mud baths are able to restore the affected nerves, promotes the resorption of salts that are deposited in the joints.

Duration of making mud baths should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Before the procedure, it is desirable to carry out the delicate peeling, which will only increase the beneficial effects of therapeutic mud. An additional effect is obtained with a combination of a mud bath with massage and a variety of masks.

Mud baths are useful for people who are overweight, suffering from diseases of the joints, gynecological diseases, after suffering fractures, bruises and stress. However, this useful procedure is contraindicated in cardiovascular, allergic, infectious diseases.

Along with mud baths sauna also have useful properties. Itself soaring due to high temperature trains the body, improving the water-salt metabolism. In the steam room with sweat through the pores of the skin out accumulated toxins, toxins in the blood and increases the number of red blood cells - red blood cells. During steaming in the sauna recovered physical strength, reduced weight, passes fatigue and emotional stress. Generally sauna beneficially affects the central nervous system.

To effect of the procedure was the highest, the temperature in the sauna should be no more than 80-100 and humidity - 25-30%. Head is obligatory to cover the headdress and the skin before the procedure to clean in the shower and wipe.

Tags: bath, sauna, use, property, dirt