How to make a hand massage

How to make a hand massage
 Qualitative hand massage is capable of restoring force fatigued muscles and their performance. In addition, its task - to strengthen ligaments and joints, improve tissue healing after injuries and reduce swelling. Hand massage involves techniques such as stroking, pressing, grinding, and more.
 Hand massage can be performed independently, making it immediately after waking up. Put your hands on any moisturizing night cream and a drop of water. Do massaging circular motion at each joint and finger, imagine that you pull the gloves. Then go to the same effect, only the back of the hand. Grasp the wrist and continue to massage your hands, gradually rising above the elbow and shoulder. Shake wrists, make a circular motion to the left and right, and then squeeze fists unclench.

Water massage - this is a very nice and, moreover, useful (tempering) procedure. It improves blood circulation, not only in the hands, but also throughout the body, as well as a positive effect on metabolism. Start a massage from brushes - Rinse the outside of the hand, from the bottom up to the shoulder. Then head back and drench the inside of the arm. Water massage hands well strengthens the heart and acts as prevention against heart disease.

Begin to massage the wrist from the surface, but deep strokes, then gradually move on to the kneading of the elbow joint. His massage on all sides of the elbow and steered their movement to the axilla. Just do not push hard, so as not to injure taking place in this part of the body nerves, brachial vein and artery. Massage shoulder joint also start with stroking and slowly change their circular grinding of joints.

Pay enough attention to massage the hands and fingers. Eastern sages say that the hands have a lot of biologically active points, which are associated with body parts and internal organs of the body: head, eyes, intestines, lungs, and spine and bladder. Begin to massage the fingers and hands with the little finger, somewhere from the middle of the nail. Follow massaging circular motions with your thumbs of both hands, do it easily and freely, moving from the first knuckle to the tip, and then back again. Repeat 3-5 times. Do these steps for all other fingers, moving in order, and complete the procedure on his thumb.

Tags: hand massage