Honey massage of the abdomen

Honey massage of the abdomen
 Massage honey - it's a perfect combination of the benefits of honey and the pleasure of massage techniques. Together they give an excellent result, which leaves no one indifferent. In this case, you can massage the face as well as body. Most often, the honey is applied to the hips, but do not forget about the stomach. Honey massage that helps the body get rid of unwanted body fat, as well as strengthen the skin and contribute to overall improvement and normalization of the internal organs. It perfectly eliminates sagging skin, corrects the contours of the figure, strengthens the immune system and improves digestion, removes toxins from the body.

The so-called honey substance that penetrates directly into the skin in many ways similar to the components of human blood, so rapidly absorbed and often does not cause unpleasant consequences. However, to give up honey massages still have those who are allergic to bee venom pcheloprodukty or, in the presence of open wounds on the skin or pustular inflammation, asthma, cancer diseases or blood diseases.

Before you begin to massage the abdomen, it is necessary to clean the skin with a scrub that will remove dead skin cells, which will accelerate the penetration and absorption of active ingredients. After peeling the skin is applied honey solution. Need to lie motionless a few minutes so that he could act. Only after that, straight or circular motion, you can start to knead the abdomen. This will allow the honey to penetrate the skin and activate the metabolic processes in cells.

After the bulk of the honey is absorbed, it is necessary to withdraw from the skin toxins. For this purpose, the so-called vacuum massage technique. To do this, applied to the abdomen hand - so that it seemed that she was stuck, after which it rises steeply. As a result, along with the remnants of honey from the skin out dirt and toxins, so honey itself gradually becomes gray. It is necessary to wash off this gray mass with soap and warm water.

Duration of honey massage session should not exceed five to seven minutes, or may cause pain and bruising. Of course, as addictive pain disappears. Typically, to obtain the effect of the massage is recommended to fifteen sessions.

Tags: honey stomach, massage, beauty, health