Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage: indications and contraindications for use

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage: indications and contraindications for use
 Translated from the Hawaiian language Lomi means to massage, rub, press; glide feet soft and affectionate cat. It is an ancient healing art of Polynesia, practiced and passed on from generation to generation, the keepers of the sacred mysteries of nature - healers and elders of the clan.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage - a unity of three components: the master, the patient's breathing and energy. The basis of the healing practice are:

• prayer;
• massage;
• mental purification;
• cleansing salt;
• bodily practices;
• breathing;
• work with energy.

Intention love healer combines all of these elements, which creates unlimited curative effect. Production tool in the art of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage serve fingertips, palms, forearms, feet, knees and elbows.

Smooth, flowing from one to another, massage movements as graceful dance, accompanied by a steady rhythm. The body is filled with power and energy, combining aromatherapy oils, incense and technology "circulating" breath.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage has restorative effects on the body physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Improving blood flow by relaxing the muscular system and restoring the joint mobility, activates the process of perception and liberation stereotypical emotional state, restoring the energy exchange and releasing creativity.

Indications for use of massage Lomi Lomi

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage is shown in states of lack of love, attention and sense of touch. With this unique technique depression, neurosis and stress go by the wayside. Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage eliminates the self-doubt and cure headaches. Recommendations for the use of massage can help in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system. As a preventive and therapeutic tools should be used massage in diseases of the cardiovascular system and poor circulation.

Contraindications to massage Lomi Lomi

Contraindications to the use of massage is an acute infectious disease, fever and poisoning. When inflammation of the lymph nodes and cancer is unlikely to benefit, rather hurt. In the category of risk include the elderly and children under five.

Tags: massage, reading, use, contraindications