Cup massage - the main enemy of cellulite

 Even those who do not use the services of massage therapists can be called to go about five different types of massage, and this is not the limit. Hard to say, when I first thought of a man to treat diseases by means of massage, but this idea was truly brilliant. Massage is popular as any other medical procedure. He is appointed as a sedative, as a way to recover from injuries, and is widely used as a means for weight loss and anti-cellulite. In this article, a women's magazine JustLady give advice to those who want to get in shape using canned massage.

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Cup massage masseur requires special cans made of glass, plastic or silicone. Different types of cans have different advantages. For example, silicone banks are most commonly used because of their easy transport, need not fear that they will break. However, the effect on the silicon body at lower than the glass. A plastic jars quite fragile.Cup massage also called the vacuum as suction inside the can occurs under vacuum, which enables the bank to attach tightly to the skin surface. Active stimulation of the upper layers of the skin activates cell renewal, strengthens it stimulates the blood circulation.

As you know, our skin is full of lots of nerve endings. When the therapist begins to work with the patient, it stimulates a great rush of blood to the soft tissues. Due to the general level of intensity of exposure all processes in the skin begin to occur at high speed. As a result, quickly burn body fat, reduced muscle tension, derived toxins, to the areas of skin affected by trauma, back still sensitive.

Those who triedcan massageOften note that this procedure is as effective as, and painful. And contrary to the belief that a good therapist does not leave the patient's body "traces" of their work in the form of bruises, cupping massage can cause the appearance of small point redness. However, they are fast enough, and the pain ceases to be acutely felt already at the third session of massage.Cup massage - One of the best remedies for cellulite. Purposefully stimulating area of ​​the buttocks and thighs, it causes subcutaneous fat was chosen to leave the surface.

Cup massage - Quite radical and potent agent, and therefore it should not be used in the abdomen and chest, that is in close proximity to the internal organs. This type of massage has a number of contraindications. For instance, cupping massage is not recommended for cancer, acute inflammatory processes in the body, veins, thrombosis and hypertension. But in addition to cellulitecan massage helps get rid of degenerative disc disease, bronchitis, chronic muscle pain. After canned massage is often used light relaxing massage that reduces swelling and discomfort.

If desired,can massage can be practiced alone, pre-mastering the basics of technique. Before starting the massage banks should be disinfected with alcohol, and the zone of influence lubricate any suitable massage oil. Attach to the body jar must be careful so that it can be moved freely. Making a smooth, smooth motion, move the jar in the skin, along the lymphatic pathways, without affecting directly to the lymph nodes. A line of movement left to your discretion.

Ifcan massage carried out according to the rules, and the patient has no contraindications to it, it will healing effect on the whole body. And, in particular,can massage help the fairer sex to cope with cellulite, which can rightly be called the plague of losing weight in the twenty-first century. It is difficult to cope with, and although there are many anti-cellulite creams and lotions only can massage gives the most impressive effect. The secret lies in the fact that cellulite - this is not normal, and subcutaneous fat, which is not afraid of diets, but does not tolerate direct exposure.

Tatiana Karpova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: stomach, massage, bruise, bank, cell, weight loss, review, enemy, contraindication