Cryotherapy in Cosmetology: cryomassage and cryosauna

Cryotherapy in Cosmetology: cryomassage and cryosauna
 Cryotherapy - a treatment with low temperature. The temperature and time of exposure is selected so that instantly cools only the top layer of skin, but did not come frostbite.

Cryotherapy has long been used in medicine. Applying ice to the bruises, wrapping wet sheets at elevated temperatures - all options cryotherapy. Its therapeutic effect is due to a reflex constriction of blood vessels at the site of exposure, followed by an extension of and blood flow to the site of impact.

Cryosauna - setting, somewhat like a solarium, but operates on the principle of instant skin cooling with liquid nitrogen for a few minutes. Due to a sharp vasospasm when cooled to minus one hundred and thirty degrees is released into the blood pleasure hormones - endorphins, and blood flow to the skin causes a rejuvenating effect. It is proved that cooling of the body to the negative temperature for a few minutes, not only is not harmful, but also a very positive impact on the systems of the body. It is important that the head is not subjected to cooling.

Cryo - a successful combination plus the usual massage and cryotherapy. You can spend it as facial and body treatments. For example, the indication for cryomassage faces are acne and consequences of its mismanagement of treatment, the appearance of first wrinkles, the total loss of skin elasticity; indications for cryomassage bodies are, first of all, cellulite and fat deposits, edema of different origin, muscle pain, joint problems.

You should know that there are two types cryomassage: ice massage and massage with liquid nitrogen. When ice massage beautician should not leave the ice for a long time in one place the face or body, it can cause frostbite, ice massage and ends with thermal treatments. Massage the liquid nitrogen is produced with a special wooden stick attached to the end of the swab, which is immersed in a container of liquid nitrogen to soak a tampon, and the Zetas and produce massage. Liquid nitrogen ispareetsya very quickly, so the therapist must act quickness.

We must also remember that there are a number of contraindications to cryonics. This, above all, mechanical damage to the skin, inflammatory diseases, allergy to cold and others.

Tags: care, body, beauty, cryotherapy, cryosauna