Cleopatra bath

 Queen Cleopatra, famous worldwide for the beauty and attractiveness, loved to take baths, which made her skin amazingly soft, smooth and also helped to relax and unwind. Cleopatra knew a lot in cosmetics, aromatherapy and how the different components of the mixtures affect the skin, mood.  

Under the heading Diet: Vitamins and minerals

The most famous recipe from "Cleopatra" - a relaxing bath with milk and honey.

Spread the package of powdered milk (not less than 200 grams and up to 40 packages - the more the better) in a warm bath, substitute a cup of warmed honey under the stream of water to form a foam.

Another option:
Mix a glass of milk powder, 2 tablespoons ground almonds, 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal and a few drops of essential rose oil. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a bath of warm water and soak in it for 15 minutes. The skin then it will still be fresh and fragrant;

To relieve stress is best suited bath with chamomile.

1 table. spoon of oil apricot pits (you can use sea salt, milk, cream) mixed with 6 drops of lavender and chamomile 2 drops of oil and add to the hot tub.
The most powerful relaxing effect have lavender, lemon balm, sandalwood and bergamot. Add oil in the bath ready: the heat oil quickly evaporate and lose its strength.

Chamomile (inflorescences) 45g. Lipa (inflorescences and leaves) 45g. If we take a bath in the evening, calm deep sleep, you are guaranteed. In the morning, it will help you more easily meet the new day.

Reducing bath with lavender and mint.

Juniper berries 30g. Inflorescence lavender 30g. Juniper and lavender promote better skin hydration and relaxation of muscles after sports or exhausting physical work and helps rejuvenate.

Take 8 tea bags and mint; 1 cup of sea salt.
Type in a bath of hot water (about 40 (C). Dissolve the salt in it, dip tea bags. Within two minutes you will feel the tension subsides.

Refreshing bath

For this bath will need -verbeny 30g. dark honey 30g. The well-known refreshing effect of dark honey with a delicate aroma of lemon verbena makes this concentrate a great helper in the reconstruction effort and produces a pleasant invigorating effect, for example when the window is cold or before an important evening.

1 cup dried rose petals or five drops of your favorite perfume flower; bubble bath. Terms of preparation. Under running water (ideal temperature: + 38 (C) and whip the foam throw rose petals in the bath.

Health baths.

Bath with ginger and orange.
3 tbsp. l. Echinacea tincture; 2 fruit ginger, 1 large orange; 1 hr. L. honey.
2, 5, Art. l. Echinacea is dissolved in 0, 5 liters of water and pour into the bath (+ 39-41 (C). Add 1, 5 chopped grated ginger fruit and orange slices. Prepare a cup of black tea, add the 0, 5, Art. l. tinctures Echinacea, honey and remaining ginger. It is necessary to drink a cocktail while taking a bath - to enhance the health effect.

With Ginseng
Take ginseng tea bag W; 3 tbsp. l. honey.

The secret of this bath belongs to Korean. Thanks to the active herbal ingredients contained in ginseng, the skin is smooth as silk and honey removes waste and makes it soft. Nuance: Before placing in the fragrant water, cosmetologists are advised to enhance the effect to make a little self-massage - to put on the palm honey and a pat on the problem areas. Fill the bathtub with warm water (+ 37-39 (C), lower the bags with ginseng and honey dissolve. Descend slowly to the skin time to get used to the temperature and the unusual composition of water.

Tags: Cleopatra