Clay body wraps

Clay body wraps
 Clay wraps help to make the figure more toned, eliminate cellulite. Clay tones the skin, making it more elastic, it displays the body of toxic substances and wastes. If you get rid of excess weight, body wraps should be done 1-2 times per week, the course should be 2 months. To maintain a good form of the procedure can be carried out 1-2 times per month.

Wraps with clay are divided into two types - hot and cold. Hot wrap promotes vasodilatation, it heats the tissue and opens the pores. Cold wrap, on the contrary, constricts blood vessels, cools the tissue, increases metabolism. Toxins in this case does not go through the skin and through internal cleansing organs.

Hot wraps are contraindicated in varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases. If these problems do better cold wrap.

Before applying the composition to the skin, it is necessary to make a gentle massage of problem areas, preferably with a scrub. The last meal should be done in two hours prior to wrapping.

To make the hot clay wrap, you will need 100 grams of black clay, essential oil of cinnamon and a little warm water. Mix the water with clay until thick cream, add 2-3 drops of oil there cinnamon, stir again. Apply a thin layer to remedy the problem areas of the body. Wrap top with cling film, then go under the sheets and a warm blanket, rinse the clay in an hour with warm water, then moisten the skin cream.

Hot wrap can be made with green clay mixed with laminaria. You will need 100 grams of kelp, which must be filled with hot water and leave for an hour. After this time, the swollen algae must be brought to a state of puree with a blender.

In the finished kelp added clay and a couple of drops of oil of cinnamon, this mass must stir and put the container in which it is in hot water. The mixture should be applied to the problem areas massaging in a circular motion. Then shrink-wrapped and lie under a warm blanket for 50 minutes. After a rinse with warm water composition and moisturize the skin cream, lotion.

Cold clay wraps will need 50 g of blue clay, which should be diluted with water at room temperature until the consistency of sour cream. The composition is applied to the body, the top film is covered. Keep the clay needed for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin cream.

Tags: cold, clay, body, hot, wrap