All on the water: Top 5 water treatments for body and soul

All on the water: Top 5 water treatments for body and soul
 Water - the basis of life on Earth. Adult body is 70% water. Dehydration can lead to very serious consequences. One of them - a significant aging and skin aging.
 Hydrotherapy has long been used by people and for the healing of diseases, and to improve the vitality or, conversely, relaxation. The most accessible in an urban setting procedure - bath. If you feel that you have a cold start, for the prevention can take hot water with sea salt. The water temperature should be about 38 ° C, duration - not longer than 20 minutes. Hot water will open the pores of the body, and the salt helps to remove toxins from the body. This procedure is best carried out at bedtime to amplify the therapeutic effect.

For the treatment of certain inflammatory diseases using sessile turpentine baths. They are great warm up the body, stimulate blood circulation and disinfect the skin. However, this procedure has contraindications, such as cardiovascular disease. So before turpentine drip into the water, you should consult with your doctor.

Bath with decoction of herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula), or orange peels to improve the condition of the skin and soothe. A few drops of essential oil of sandalwood and rosemary can help relieve tension and fatigue. These baths best to take before bedtime. It is important to remember that too hot water and too lengthy procedure adversely affect the heart. Bathtub, as well as any remedy can not be abused.

The second most accessible and popular tool - shower. Contrast shower alternating hot and cold water tones the body, relieves fatigue and refreshing. Body massage in a circular motion strong jet finish the procedure with cool water. Daily shower with a gradual decrease in temperature of the water - a great way of tempering.

Well-known folk healer Porfiry Ivanov recommended daily dousing two buckets of ice water on the street in any weather, standing barefoot on the ground or in the snow, as hardening. The same way he treated many diseases, including cancer. The effectiveness of this method is based on the fact that ice water is a powerful stimulant and activator of the body's defenses. Start hardening by this method should be gradual, starting with just pouring down.

Bath - not only hygienic means, but also a long-time treatment, and way to relax. In the Russian steam acts on the body dry steam. Its therapeutic effect can be enhanced by dropping on the hot stones aromatic oil or herbal infusions. This is a great way to get rid of a cold. Using a broom gives the effect of massage and pouring cold water or rubbing snow boosts immunity, hardens the body and improves skin condition. However, keep in mind that too high a temperature and a long stay in the steam may be detrimental effect on people suffering from high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Hydro is very popular as a means of relieving the increased muscle tone and improves circulation. Domestic hot tub to help relax, but as a therapeutic agent used professional bath and power shower in specialized clinics.

Tags: bathtub, shower, body hardening, top, pouring procedure