Acupressure: basic principles

Acupressure: basic principles
 Acupressure plays an important role in oriental medicine, and many of the centers of Chinese and Tibetan medicine include it in the list of services provided. This acupressure by all the rules can really be done only professionals with appropriate education, but the basic principles of this massage you can learn on their own.

Acupressure technique promotes rejuvenation and health rights. Influencing fingertips on acupuncture points on the meridians of the so-called vital energy, you can shoot a headache, regulate blood pressure, relieve toothache, as a result of the massage restores cellular metabolism, improves tissue nutrition.

The first thing to rub your hands to activate blood circulation in the fingers and keep them warm.

Acupressure is performed pads of three fingers: index, middle and ring.

The strength of the pressure on the acupressure points should be moderate, and the thrill of massage - the average of the painful and pleasant.

To find the "vital points", you need to listen carefully to the feelings and try to feel it. Correctly point found at pressing given a slight pain.

Should not be rude, abrupt movements, and avoid pressure on the adjacent areas, so as not to affect the other points that may adversely affect the result of the massage.

The movement of the fingers should be rotational clockwise or vibrating, but should always be non-stop. When exposed to a certain point the finger tip does not separate from the skin.

In acupressure excluded rubbing movement.

The correct point facial massage usually consists of several stages:

- Preparation of all the facial skin to massage, stroking and patting;
- A gradual transition to pressure in the first middle of the forehead, and then in the region between eyebrows;
- Pressing the middle and lower zones of the face (nostrils, lips, chin);
- Massage and temporal areas towards the ears;
- Massage the neck area.

Tags: massage, the principle of acupuncture