Procedure "Cedar barrel" and its effect

Procedure "Cedar barrel" and its effect
 Cedar barrel - a very popular today wellness treatment, equal in strength to stay in the wellness center, but without the disadvantages of conventional saunas. Phytosauna in a barrel creates a special aura that helps organize the work of the body and improves the skin.

The principle of operation of cedar barrels or mini phytosauna is that a special steam fed special oils or fitosbory, tailor-made for the individual patient. In addition, from the heat of the barrel itself is made from natural Siberian cedar starts to produce healthy volatile. Through expanded by hot air pores of the epidermis necessary substances from oil and fitosborov into the blood, normalizing the whole body.

The advantage of cedar barrels that during the procedure the heart and head are outside and do not overheat. Hot steam causes blood saturated with nutrients, move faster, it begins to act more actively to the periphery.

Doctors officially determined that the procedure in cedar barrel to help people suffering from hypertension and hypotension, atherosclerosis, tachycardia, bradycardia. This sauna removes chronic fatigue, insomnia cures, stop inflammation of the joints.

Along the way, hot fitopar cleanses the skin of the whole body, removes toxins from it, reduces inflammation, improves the turgor. The skin is clean, supple and velvety. As a bonus, after each procedure is easy to go the extra pounds.

You should begin with medical advice: have phytosauna have contraindications. Consultant with medical education will select the desired composition of the fragrant steam, steaming time and determine the optimum temperature.

Typically, thin woman bathe recommend no more than a quarter of an hour, the men can soak for half an hour.

The procedure itself is carried out as follows: the patient sits naked in a barrel for a special seat. All part of the barrel, which touches the body covered with disposable sanitary napkins. Towel around his neck wound so that the steam does not come out of the barrel. That's right, calm, relaxed, eyes closed, you can bask in the allotted time.

When the procedure is complete, you need a few minutes to sit quietly in a recreation area. Very good at this point to drink herbal tea.

After phytosauna in the barrel can not take a shower for another hour: the effect of active substances continues.

Cedar barrel prevents the onset of disease, helps cure has occurred, caresses the body, elevates mood.

Tags: body effect, drum, procedure, health improvement, phytosauna