Magic spoon massage spoons

Magic spoon massage spoons
 Have you ever thought about what else you can use regular tablespoons except as cutlery? They can tap to the beat of any music; using the spoons can be milled tablets. Also spoons can be used to create a variety of crafts. But this application the use of this table object.  

Spoons and have another secret. If skillfully approach the use of a regular table spoon, you can improve the flow of blood and lymph, and even make some lifting effect. That is, using the spoon can be significantly improved facial muscle tone. And not only the face.

Try to find the kitchen a couple of tablespoons. Hardly it will be hard to do. Spoon suit absolutely any, but if some of your silver flatware there, or at least cupronickel, give preference to them. For procedures with spoons special skills you do not need. You have to do self-massage. Actions will have to perform repetitive and extremely simple, namely, a spoon will need to move only in a clockwise direction by clicking on it, and when the movement is in the opposite direction, only slightly stroking the skin. For the procedure also prepare in advance two tanks. One of them, fill with cold water and hot second. It is possible to use not only water but any herbal tea. Also you can use your regular facial creams and body (nutritional or wetting), and various anti-cellulite means even honey.

Begin to massage the top, ie, from the face. The skin should be cleaned beforehand. After cooling down the spoon, apply them to the eyelids. Repeat this procedure at least five times. For facial skin will need to change hot and cold spoon. For simultaneous wrinkles spoons better heat and then lubricate some nutritious oil. Forehead use heated spoon with cream, repeat the procedure at least ten times. Similarly, massage and nasolabial folds, holding a spoon on the cheeks of the mouth towards the ears. You will need a few repetitions.

For massage hands is better to use chilled spoons with nourishing cream. Start from the inside, massage in a spiral. This exercise you should be given at least 10 minutes for best results. For the neckline, use only warm spoon with vegetable oil, better, of course, olive.

For the abdomen and buttocks, use only chilled spoon with a special cream. Time to work with these areas pay more, and do not forget about the rules of movement spoons during the massage.

Tags: massage, spoon