Japanese facial massage kobido

Japanese facial massage kobido
 In Japan, a unique attitude to beauty - the most ideal person will not be beautiful without inner health. Here they say: beautiful - so healthy. Kobido facial massage - is the ancient techniques and traditions facials, prolonging youthfulness of the skin.
 Kobido, which translated means "ancient way of beauty", began in mid-century ΧV: ancient samurai healed their wounds with it. Today, this massage is especially popular among women after 30 years, largely due to Shogo Mochizuki, who became a master kobido 27 and brought the ancient therapy in the United States.

Kobido, unlike the usual European massage works with the meridians and acupuncture points of the face and neck to relax the muscles clenched and get rid of stress. The massage is performed with gentle pumping movements and fast tapping, so there is a deep impact on the surface tissue and even bone of the skull.

Traditional kobido begins with stripping and light massage of the neck, which improves blood circulation of the head. This further helps to relax and relieve stress. Then the person put a hot towel, then massage therapist cleanses the face special soap solution. Before the main procedure must be applied to the face moisturizer and stimulate energy points - it is rhythmic stroking and Tapping your fingers. Additionally, depending on the type of skin used massage oil - almond oil or grape seed oil.

Kobido launches update mechanisms in the skin, strengthens the facial muscles and restores skin turgor and raises its temperature, causing the lymphatic system to work at full capacity. Detoxifies the skin retains moisture better and additionally enriched with oxygen. Massage kobido needed if you have dry and wrinkled skin, it also helps to get rid of age spots, migraines, headaches and even seasonal health problems. A distinctive feature of massage kobido - therapeutic effect persists for a long time after the completion of the procedures.

Massage takes at least an hour and includes working the rear and front of the neck and scalp. Masters kobido recommend to spend wellness sessions and rejuvenating massage at least 2 times per week courses for 8-10 days.

Tags: face massage