Clay wraps and "parafango"

Clay wraps and "parafango"
 Clay wraps and parafango directed not only to eliminate the extra pounds. As a result of these procedures the skin problem areas becomes smooth, elastic, becomes healthy color. Combining these types of wraps with fitness or any other sport you can achieve a beautiful effect.

Clay wraps a beneficial effect on the human body. If we consider how the clay on skin cells, the picture is as follows.

Applied to the skin clay mask opens your pores, thereby leaving the body toxins, toxins and harmful salts. The skin breathes better and normalize its function.

The skin performs a very important function - that thermoregulation, and protection from ultraviolet radiation and other harmful substances. Therefore, improving the condition of skin, a man takes care of the body as a whole. In addition to the general health-improving effect clay used to combat obesity.

Apply for this mainly its kind - blue. Only this kind of clay has miraculous properties, helps to remove fat. Wrapping, in addition to the clay, you need to stock up on food with plastic wrap, towel or bathrobe and terry mitten.

Before you begin the procedure, the clay should be diluted in water, pre-crumbled and sieved through a colander. Water for breeding better to take the one that advocated for several days. Ideal - thawed. Dilute the best clay to the consistency of thick cream, to avoid dripping from the skin.

The finished weight must be distributed on the skin of problem areas, without rubbing. Pre best to massage these areas. Then you must close the mask cling film and wrap a towel or bathrobe wrap myself to create a thermal effect. Then you can relax by taking a prone position under the relaxing music. In the draft is better not to go to bed.

This procedure is necessary to conduct the course 2 times a week for a month and then do each month.
Clay wraps are contraindicated for people with thyroid disease, hypertension, varicose veins and gynecological diseases. Pregnancy is also a contraindication.

In addition to clay wraps in weight loss and anti-cellulite body wrap Parafango help. This is a great treatment with natural active ingredients that rejuvenates the skin. Parafango mixture prepared from paraffin with the addition of sea kelp. It is also called «SPA at home." As a result of using this drug disappears notorious orange peel, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and the fat melt away pretty quickly. This type of wrapping also removes toxins from the body. Because algae contain vitamins A, B, C, and amplifies the power of tissue regeneration.

Before applying parafango as before using the clay, it is better to massage the problem areas. On a heated after the massage the skin impose mixture, covering film and wrap a towel. The thermal effect of this procedure is also important. Because of the heat the pores of the skin dilate and the drug is better absorbed by the cells.
Parafango can be carried out continuously or rate - twice a year. The course is a 2-3 wraps for 4 weeks. At constant application we can restrict the procedure one time per month.

There are contraindications. Seaweed wraps with paraffin contraindicated in pregnant women and women with gynecological diseases. Also, do not make them sick with hypertension, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis disease. In any case, before making a decision on the application of clay or algae, it is better to consult a doctor.

Tags: skin area, clay, toxin wrap, parafango