Chocolate treatments for the skin

Chocolate treatments for the skin
 We hear the word "chocolate" and represent sweet fragrant tiles. Doctors have long ranked as chocolate for healthy food. And recently it began to be used in a very different capacity - in the composition of cosmetic products. The main indications for such procedures are dull skin, insomnia, stress, general fatigue. So, let's look at the procedure to improve the state of your body and soul offered by the spa.

Chocolate peeling

Chocolate peeling removes the stratum corneum of the skin, improves its color, rejuvenates, prepares the body for anti-cellulite treatments. Professional peels vary in composition, but each of them must be present cocoa beans. Other ingredients - at the discretion of the manufacturer. Most often in the composition of chocolate peels also includes coffee, grape seed oil, dark chocolate, cream. Chocolate scrub is distributed in the skin soft massage movements. The procedure is carried out on average within 20 minutes after the drug is washed away by showers. Chocolate peeling is used for oily skin - 2 times a week, for normal and combination - 1 day a week for dry skin - 1 time in two weeks.

Chocolate massage

Chocolate massage is recommended for those who want to increase the elasticity of the skin to excrete harmful substances that accelerate the breakdown of fat and cellulite overcome. The spa has prepared a lot of chocolate, coconut milk, cream, cinnamon and honey, which will cause you to body. During the massage weight should melt, thus, there is a skin moisturizing, withdrawal of excess fluid from the body absorb all the nutrients. This massage burns fat and activates cell metabolism, stimulates blood circulation, affects the nervous system as an antidepressant, helps produce hormones joy - endorphins, enriches the skin with potassium, magnesium and calcium, restores, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, leaving it smooth and soft, struggling with aging.

Chocolate wrapping

This procedure has anti-cellulite effect, reduces the volume of the body, increases the formation of collagen, rejuvenates and tones the skin. Chocolate wrapping perfectly removes toxins, fights aging cells, has a healing effect and improves the immune system.
Inside, you can offer two kinds of wraps: local (beautician works only with problem areas) and integrated (when chocolate is applied to the whole body). The procedure is applied to the whole body or a part of a thin layer of chocolate. Then coated with chocolate covered area film, creating a greenhouse effect, because the nutrients are absorbed better.

Chocolate bath

If you need to moisturize the skin and restore its elasticity, you will bath with chocolate. It helps to eliminate toxins, is a good stimulant to combat stress and greatly improves mood. The spa offers a plunge into the hot tub filled with sea water or thermal water. The water temperature of 38 degrees. Pre-dissolve in water and other useful cocoa extracts. Take a bath should be 15-20 minutes. Before making a chocolate bath need to shower thoroughly. Before the first procedure, it is desirable to make peeling. Take bath at 1, 5-2 hours after a meal. After the bath, rinse in the shower, wet body with a towel, apply a moisturizer or nourishing and relax for 20-30 minutes.

Remember that if you are prone to allergies to cocoa butter and chocolate, as well as you have skin disease - dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, then you better give up the "sweet" and pick undertaking other cosmetics.

Tags: skin peeling procedure wrap