How often do the delicate female pen. They literally "everything is kept." The day has to go hand in heterogeneous environments, experience the different temperature regimes, as well as exposure to the sun and wind.
After a day of work hands should definitely pamper treatments, which for them are pleasant and helpful. This can be a therapeutic herbal bath, creams and gels. But most of all love to massage your hands and lemon.
Hands can be massaged during the day. Causing light cream should fingertips promassirovat wrist and interdigital areas. Then his hands "walk" on the back of the hand massage and finish on the palm.
Evening same hand massage - the so-called must have. You must first delete the hands in warm water for 5-10 minutes. You then need to blot the skin tissue is readily absorbed and begin to massage. Evening massage should be longer than a day. To this must be added and the fingertips and massage the skin around the nails. In the balls a lot of nerve endings, massaging that can "tune" the wave of peace.
At the end of the massage should be applied to the skin of the hands "magic" drug. You can make it yourself. For this, mix 50 g of glycerol, 50 g of water and half of the lemon juice. To the resulting mixture it is necessary to add a few drops of ammonia. When home cream is ready, you need to massage movements rub it into the skin. It is desirable promassirovat each joint.
When your skin becomes rough, you must do the bath of lemon juice, sauerkraut and whey. After this procedure should be applied to the hands of rich cream and wear cotton gloves overnight.
Lemon skin is not only useful in a cream, but also in its pure form. After a long work in rubber gloves or with the ground, hands should be washed and rubbed into the skin of the lemon juice. He will restore the natural color and enrich the skin with vitamins. In addition to vitamin C, lemon juice contains B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, citrine and trace elements beneficial to the skin cells.
Lemon has always been considered a symbol of eternal youth. Scandinavian legends tell of the "golden apples of immortality." Taste them did not know in his life and disease for a long time does not grow old. Yes, and many Russian fairy tales there is mention of the "golden apples of youth."
Massage the skin combined with lemon juice helps hands stay always in great shape. If at the same time to eat a lemon with honey skin cells for a long time to preserve youth.