Massage of the abdomen, which is proposed to carry out on their own, rather, it is a preventive and not very effective tool. Slight tingling and pat help make the skin more supple and elastic. But if your goal - to remove belly fat, make it flat, it is better to turn to professionals who know how to do it right and do no harm. After the stomach - a zone of high risk. Closely spaced internal organs, the heart, the ovaries. Strong pressure or sharp pinching can cause the response of the organism.
There are some really unique author's techniques that will help you get a good result.
Can massage (also called vacuum) - a mechanical effect. Very effective, but care must be taken. It has to do highly skilled professionals. The principle is that the banks are glued to suck part of the abdomen subcutaneous fat. If you are not sure that you do not have an umbilical hernia, do not resort to this method in any case.
Wrap. Safe and highly effective way to thermal effects. When wrapping, various essential oils, coffee grounds and cocoa butter. Preheated light massage belly smeared, after which the patient from chest to thighs wrapped in special foil-like food. The procedure continues for 20-30 minutes, then the film is removed. Most of the grease is absorbed during this time the skin and under the influence of a constant temperature rasschiplyaet fats.
Wraps well help and cellulite, the more that you can do everything at the same time.
Flat stomach - the dream of almost every woman. But many still live all his life, unable to carry out this dream. But there is really effective ways. You just need to spare no time for this, it is still not always enough.