Before you start making massage oil, think about what flavor you want to give it. If the smell of oil is unpleasant to you, it will poison you the impression from the best massage.
Very persistent and have a pleasant smell of lavender flowers. And it does not matter you take fresh flowers straight from the garden or take advantage of ready-made with dried. Just grab a handful of flowers, fill them half a liter of olive oil and place in the sun for three days to allow the oil soaked lavender aroma.
Strain the oil mixture through a coffee filter inserted into the funnel in a nice convenient bottle, close the lid tightly and store it in a secret place. Oil retains all the properties in a few weeks, but keep it too long still not worth it.
If you do not like the smell of lavender, take any essential oil, but remember, it should be clear natural oil, not flavored artificial mixture. For good measure, you buy essential oils in the pharmacy, there you will be less likely to run into a fake.
Pour 0, 5 liters of olive oil in a bottle, add 8 drops to him of any essential oil. It may be oil of lemon, grapefruit, orange, mint, and so forth. Tightly screw the cap of the bottle and shake well several times resulting mixture. Massage oil is ready, it can be stored for a long time without losing its properties.