The essence of plastic massage - in the accuracy of its performance. Unacceptable tension or stretching the skin tissues are not shifted, and the sighting study is conducted on all the layers and tissues. Plastic massage is carried out when the facial muscles are experiencing considerable strain, or the first signs of wilting. Often it is included in a complex system of acne treatment.
Plastic massage technique is gripping the folds of the skin and subcutaneous layers further elaboration pressing movements. That is, in fact, is a circular motion on the ground, because neither move nor impossible to stretch the skin. Work only fingers, not looking up from the skin and moving in a circle. The first study of deep and thorough, the second stage is carried out over a surface and with less pressure. Face worked out on the massage lines, nose massage from the tip to the nose and eyelids remain intact.
All movements should be clear and rapid alternation capture and compression of the skin should succeed each other almost imperceptibly. Fingertips produce light vibrating effect. Initially, the movement slow and gentle, then gradually increasing the pace with increasing depth study of tissues, all ends with gentle pumping movements.
Two basic techniques of plastic massage - deep and superficial tweaks. Each line are working on three times (weakly quickly again slowly).
After a course of treatments you will appreciate the rejuvenating effect of plastic massage - smooth wrinkles, change the complexion, the skin will find its firmness and elasticity, pigmentation and acne will disappear. The number and frequency of treatments depends on the desired result.