Alpha OXY SPA - oxygen capsule, which is used for the procedure by full immersion in oxygen flow and body. In turn, the oxygenation - the supply of oxygen under high pressure in the oxygen capsule stimulates recovery of the entire cellular composition of the body and rejuvenates the cells. Detoxification is accomplished via oksitermii - varying combinations of temperature and pure oxygen (99%). To remove toxins from the body does not require pharmacological treatment due oksitermii removal of toxins occurs physiologically.
Indications for a possible procedure capsule Alpha OXY SPA: cellulite treatment, overweight,
attenuated tone the chest, local fat deposits, rehabilitation therapy after birth, skin diseases, reducing the tone of the skin, psoriasis treatment, reducing emotional stress, cleansing and detoxification, skin oxygen saturation, increase the barrier function of the skin, restoring the skin after a high exposure to sunlight, the effects of deferred long-term illnesses, accelerating the rehabilitation of sports injuries, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, nervous disorders, headaches, hypertension, increase immunity, the overall rejuvenation of the body, hair diseases.
During this procedure uses a large number of factors physiotherapy. The main ones are: the basis of the impact of the capsule laid alpha massage - vibrotherapy action that enhances the lymphatic and blood circulation, activates the metabolism and improves the tone, local or systemic thermotherapy, which has a soothing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic action, as well as contributes to the formation and the development of biologically active substances in the body, pulse photostimulation audiorelaksatsii, aromatherapy.