Algae, for example, laminaria contain iodine, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, silicon and other substances that are useful for the organism. After contact with skin, this seaweed as if it pulls out the excess tissue fluid, giving useful salts. Getting rid of excess fluid skin becomes smooth, beautiful and healthy. Improves its elasticity and tone, cellulite is noticeably reduced. In addition, effectively reducing the amount of problem areas - thighs and waist, sometimes up to 2, 5 cm per day.
Seaweed wrap is hot and cold. Conduct both procedures can be at home, today is a very simple and easy to buy seaweed on the Internet or the nearest to the house pharmacy. The best time for thalassotherapy - the evening, as the skin is most active from 18 to 22 hours, hence the minerals are absorbed better.
For cold wraps macerated algae in water for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. For hot - 30 minutes in 36-38 ° C water at the rate of 100 g of dry seaweed per 1 liter of water.
Hot wraps dilates blood vessels, increase blood circulation, stimulate the breakdown of fat. It is very good in the fight against obesity and cellulite, tighten the skin allows, for example, on the chest.
Cold wraps increasingly using locally - on certain problem areas. This procedure reduces swelling, improves the flow of lymphatic fluid, relieves fatigue.
You can also apply a contrast wrapping: wrap the first problem area hot algae, and then impose a cooling seaweed mask. This method is very good for the treatment of cellulite.
Held wrap follows. First, the skin is thoroughly cleaned. Then prepared soaked seaweed is applied to problem areas or all over the body as a compress. To reduce stickiness, the algae can be applied to a substrate of gauze. To enhance the effect of top compress covered with plastic wrap, and then - a towel or blanket.
Duration of treatment is usually 40-60 minutes. After removing the algae should take a shower or rub the skin extract, which remained from the maceration of the material. The same can be used twice kelp, it must be stored in water.
Wrapping can also use algae in various combinations: with clay, lemon essential oil, egg yolk, camphor oil, etc.
Seaweed wraps conduct courses for 6-12 sessions every other day or every day. The effect may occur even after the first three procedures.