The key techniques of lymphatic drainage massage are rolling, squeezing and lifting muscles. Before proceeding to the elaboration of fabrics, they should be a good warm up - a little stroking the skin, rub the muscles, moving his hands from bottom to top and back. Rolling muscles stimulates the metabolism in tissues, need to finish the movement gentle strokes. Pressing prevents the deposition of toxins - work pad of his thumb, as if screwing it into the fabric, first in one area, then move to other areas. Second hand while pushing a muscle to a finger. Each receiving end the stroking. The most vigorous study of muscles - tapping, slapping, chopping motion with his hands. These movements should make quick and sharp, working with both hands.
Lymphatic drainage massage is conveniently carried out using massagers - a circular motion over the body can relax, to pound, to increase the pressure, and the pressure tapping.
Superficial lymph drainage acts on the nerve endings located on the surface of the skin and capillaries - it relaxes and soothes the nervous system. Deep drainage is working lymph vessels and larger capillaries - it is used to reduce the fat layers on the thighs and buttocks. The essence of any lymphatic drainage massage to overcome the blockage of blood vessels and push the lymph to the lymph nodes, where it is cleaned and where will return again in the blood vessels. When combined with anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage massage technique or restorative effect, you can quickly eliminate muscle clips.
Lymphatic drainage massage can not be performed if there is a pronounced chronic edema, infectious diseases, skin diseases, tumors tendency to thrombosis. During pregnancy and lactation of the procedure is also better to abstain.