Before the massage prepare the skin surface. Dress it slightly heated oil or massage cream. Means should be carefully rub - this will reduce the discomfort and help prevent bruising.
Take a glass jar health. Wave the bank a few seconds rod with a burning cotton wool soaked in alcohol. Quickly removing the swab, apply to the bank to the desired area of the skin. Banks must suck well, the skin should be dragged into the banks about 1, 5 cm. Now we can slowly, not taking his bank, slide it over the oiled area. You can move in any direction - in a circle, zigzags, spirals, etc.
In the treatment of degenerative disc disease makes smooth massage movements along the spine, from the waist to the neck. However, the ridge is not directly massaged. Movement canned massage with lumbar radiculitis should be carried out only in the painful area.
For colds, bronchitis, pneumonia engage massage banks lot of shoulder blades, chest sides and top of the breast - from the collarbone to the forearm. Duration of treatment - 5-15 min. After graduating from medical massage muffle the patient with a blanket and drink tea.
Cellulite cupping massage can be done on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Slipping banks is circular, zigzag and in a straight line - 5-7 times each direction. To enhance the effect it is recommended to lubricate the skin Anti-cellulite cream.
Cup massage can be done at home, but should be considered contraindications. Avoiding large birthmarks, give up procedures in case of inflammatory skin diseases, and if the patient has poor blood clotting. Man must feel good.