First of all, it is necessary to prepare the skin. To do this, apply a special cream or massage oil that allows banks to slip through the body without causing severe pain. Essential oils enhance the effect of massage, as penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and have a positive result (nourish and enrich the skin cells with vitamins and beneficial trace elements).
After that, it is recommended to stretch some parts or the entire body completely, as the massage is not running on "dry" body. But the body should not to steam in a hot bath or shower, because due to this increases blood flow, which can result in bruising or "stars."
Particular importance is given to the movement of the banks, the direction should be strictly on lymph flow (eg, in the legs and thighs drive upwards only). Should not be massaged into the popliteal cavity and on the inside of the thighs, as this may cause damage to the lymph nodes. When properly conducted massage is not formed bruises and bruises. All movements should be smooth and cautious.
After the massage using vacuum cans advisable to apply anti-cellulite gel or cream, by which the result will be seen after only a few treatments. The best course of anti-cellulite massage is 1-2 months with regular conduct.
Contraindications to the implementation of canned massage is varicose veins, benign and malignant tumors of origin, various blood diseases and blood vessels, increased sensitivity of the skin, pregnancy.