Appearance cryosauna resembles a vertical solarium. Technology of the cryo procedure is short (no more than a few minutes) comfort cooling of the skin of the body below the level of the neck gazing flow of a mixture of air and nitrogen at a temperature of up to -1300S -1800S. The procedure is absolutely secure and always performed under the supervision of specialists.
Pros cryosauna
Pronounced cosmetic effect of cryo visits can not be ignored, since already about five sessions allow smooth out wrinkles and skin gets elasticity. Comprehensive treatment of skin diseases (acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, cellulitis) when exposed to cold stop inconsistent allows growth of skin cells, which ultimately inhibits inflammation, improving the cell structure of tissues. Promotes weight loss by burning the subcutaneous layer of fat.
In addition to cosmetic effect there are medical indications for receiving cryotherapy sessions. The intensity of the current common diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, etc.), as well as trauma markedly diminished by improving the blood circulation in the bone tissue. Apply an effect of cold cure disease and facilitates women's productive system, respiratory system (there are contraindications!).
A surprising fact is cure for alcohol dependence and relieve symptoms of narcotic brittle for patients.
Cons cryosauna
Negative effect of cryotherapy procedure in humans with impaired cardiovascular activity (heart attacks, strokes, blood clots).
Not recommended to be in cryosauna pregnant and lactating women, people with cancer, as well as people suffering from diseases of the urinary system.
Suffering from claustrophobia, as well as people with individual intolerance to cold will be extremely difficult to be in cryosauna.
Whatever can be said about the "cold" therapy cryosauna provides therapeutic effect only in the case of a positive attitude on the procedure itself!