Most of us are accustomed to the fact that cellulite fighting with hot compresses, rubbing, saunas, and so on. The effect of hot treatments that vessels in the skin and under it and heated through the pores on the surface of noxious substances accumulated on this portion. The operating principle of a cold wraps. Cold stimulates the lymphatic vessels that collect waste material under the skin and remove them not through the surface, and in the internal organs - the liver and kidneys. If the hot wraps WARMING added ingredients: mustard, red pepper, caffeine, honey, in the cold - menthol and related substances.
Cold or cryo-wraps are useful to all women who provola lot of time on their feet. Often in the evening feet start to swell, and some women develop varicose veins with time. When varicose heat does contraindicated, so bring your feet back to normal, remove the swelling and improve skin tone can be using cryo-wraps.
As with any other procedure in cryo-wrap has its contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to do their nursing mothers and pregnant women with non-healing wounds on the skin, allergies to makeup wraps, diseases of the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract.
In the salons often cryo-wrapping is carried out using ozone gel. Procedure lasts about 30 minutes. Conduct cold wraps can be not only in the cabin, but also at home, so as to acquire the desired composition or finished bandages impregnated with them is not a problem.
If you want to prepare a desired composition independently, you need kelp, which is pre-soaked for 3 hours at room temperature. The composition is applied to clean skin on the affected area. Superimposed on top of the food film. Wrapping is not necessarily to wrap up. Wear your regular clothes and wait 30 minutes. After the procedure rinse composition of the shower and put on a skin moisturizing lotion or cream.
In addition to algae as a cooling structure, you can use the blue clay, white vinegar, agar-agar, peppermint essential oil, citrus fruit, ginseng, juniper, lavender.
In the absence of contraindications, you can alternate between hot and cold wraps. The effect you will notice almost immediately. Try to finish the course of 10-12 sessions (every 2-3 days) to the end, then the effect will see not only you, but also the surrounding.