With the help of massage can tighten the chest, to give it a better shape. Since the blood circulation is restored, it starts to look better, it is more elastic. The favorable effect is undeniable, but it must be said once and for possible problems this procedure. Can not be too zealous, exerting strong pressure. Mammary glands are very delicate, so you run the risk of damaging them too much massaging.
There are several massage techniques chest, available to every woman, regardless of the availability of special equipment or skills - a different kind of whirlpool. It can be done by using a shower spray. The best time for the procedure - this morning, when you take a shower. Massaging the breasts every day, you bring in the tone of the muscles that support it, toniziruete skin. Do not forget that the procedure should be repeated daily, in this case, the positive effect will not take long. By improving the blood supply to the breast tissue, all processes, including cell regeneration, will proceed faster than before.
Massage technique itself is not difficult. Install a powerful water pressure, but not too strong, so it does not cause discomfort. The water temperature should be comfortable. Start to make a circular motion around the chest, the jet is directed upwards. Approximately 10 laps per side will suffice. Special emphasis is placed on the space under the breasts and closer to the forearm, as that is where is the muscles that support the shape of the bust.In these places it is possible to massage separately: jet shower holding up, move them from side to side along the lower part of the chest.
You can use more than one powerful jet, and scattered flux. This massage allows greater influence on the skin, and not on the muscles. It stimulates the nerves and improves the sensitivity of the skin, especially the nipples and similar area. Its also perform a circular motion. Also for the breast skin, and the whole body is very useful douche.
Take your time, work out all the movements safely and smoothly. Massage should take about 15 minutes, and can be a little less. It is best to use a nozzle that allows to obtain different types of jets shower and a massage in one of his use different kinds. Do not forget that the most important thing in this case - regularity. After the exit of the shower, put on a skin nourishing or toning cream.