Ayurvedic massage affects the deepest layers of soft tissue, ie, except the skin and subcutaneous tissue is developed, muscles and internal organs removed tension and stimulates blood circulation, which leads to the active removal of toxic substances from the body. In addition, increases skin elasticity, normalizes all vital systems of man - respiratory, digestive, nervous, reproductive, musculoskeletal.
The basis of this massage is the movement of hands on a very complicated "drawing" using pressure, strokes and deep probing and fingers and palm.
Prerequisite - circular shift positions massazhiruemogo person. Begins a circle with a sitting position, then lying on his back, on his side, on his stomach, on the other side, again supine and sitting. Head massaged in a circular motion, and direct part of the body - longitudinal, and their number of repetitions should be the same for each side. Massage is carried downward, i.e. from the top of your head to the tips of my toes.
There are several types of Ayurvedic massage:
Traditional (Abhyanga) massage is performed simultaneously by two therapists who make soft synchronous movement. It lasts about an hour and promotes deep relaxation of muscles. Be sure to use oils and herbs, as well as various combinations thereof. If massage is done with an extra effort on the part of the masseur, it is called Vishesh and is perfect for relieving pain in joints and muscles.
Massage, allowing to lose weight (Udvardana) is carried out using a paste or powder of herbs that have fat burning properties. In the skin paste rubbed deep synchronized movements, which also helps to eliminate excess fluid and toxic substances.
Foot massage with oil (Padabhyanga) based on the impact to rub oil on special reflex points called Marma. According to Ayurvedic teachings, each point is responsible for a certain area of the body, so with the help of Padabhyanga can cure or prevent any disease.
Garshana or massage performed with silk gloves, coarse, based on static electricity, which occurs when the friction of silk on the skin. Its main goal - improving skin tone and elasticity, its rejuvenation.
Ayurvedic massage can be carried out with a hot bag into which the rice water or herbs. It is called Pindasvedana.