One of the most useful items for easy home massage - a rough towel. Fold it into a bundle and pulling the opposite ends, start massaging the body in a circular rubbing motion. This procedure will enhance blood circulation, enhance skin tone, displays the excess liquid. After the massage, use a moisturizing cream. The effect will be noticeable after 1-2 weeks.
For a deeper impact on cellulite use conventional buttons. Select buttons several sizes of plastic or wood. Sew them in a few dense rows of concave side facing on a massage glove or a piece of thick fabric. Before starting the procedure, use the base oil, adding a few drops of essential oil of sweet orange. Knead buttons problem areas, avoiding pain.
For soft and pleasant massage is fine grits. Pour into a small linen or gauze bag beans, peas, buckwheat, rice. Fill the bag so that the terrain was uneven. Tightly tie and follow it with a dry massage. After the procedure, smear on the skin cooling cellulite cream.
Another atitsellyulitny massager, given the very nature, does not even require special fabrication. All that you need - mature and dried corn on the cob. Clean it from the leaves, put oil on your skin and start the procedure. Just ride the cob on problem areas like roller. As a result of this great massage cellulite nodules are broken down and smoothes the skin.