Before proceeding to cover up, you must thoroughly clean the skin. This can be done using conventional means for washing, foam or jelly. Then you need to moisten the skin tonic.
To hide unnecessary birthmark is best suited thick camouflage concealer. Despite the fact that it is significantly heavier than conventional makeup, inconveniences when using it, you feel. But put the cream on the skin only need one layer. If you decide to put more layers, the risk to overdo it with color, as is usual in such cream contains a large number of dyes.
Apply camouflage means you need just to the mole, process space around it is not necessary. Do it better special small brush or sponge.
After camouflage applied to the mole, it is necessary to remove other skin blemishes. To do this, use a concealer. After that, you can cover the whole face of foundation, and then do the usual make-up for you.
If the mole is small, then the need to use camouflage means no. You can use a pencil or corrective cream with a brush. But remember that the pencil harder to use because it is poorly shaded. Correcting means you need to put on a layer of foundation, and then - to put a light layer of powder. However, if the corrector includes therapeutic composition additive, it must be applied on clean skin.
Likewise, the mole can be masked on other parts of your body. Moreover, using camouflage foundation you can get rid of skin problems such as birthmarks, burn marks or vitiligo.