In the visual change in shape of the face is your first one - cosmetics, and its careful application.
Make a round face more narrow and elongated shape will help you change your eyebrows. Eyebrows should not be too dark - enough to tint them from the inside. Make corrections eyebrows, give them a curved shape - it's visually lengthen the face. If you have high cheekbones - do not do eye makeup is too stretched to the sides. Do not draw long arrows pencil or eyeliner - it focuses on the broad face.
Fixed assets in the make-up that allows you to adjust the face oval - these are three types of tonal resources. Use concealer color of your natural skin. Second cream should be darker tone, the third - on the lighter shade. All three facilities must have the same hue, differing only in how light or dark the result.
Apply the first foundation, not different from the color of your skin, all over the face as a whole. This - the basis of make-up.
Take another foundation, slightly lighter than the foundation and apply it to the specular region - on the forehead, nose, and the midline of the nose, chin, and the skin under the eyes.
Darker foundation put on the side of the face - his kind of circuit. Thus, you make a visual side of the darker and less, and the average area - noticeable, which means that a person will seem longer.
Consolidate the results of the corresponding powder shades.
In addition to the cosmetic use system of simple exercises to narrow oval face and skin tightening. Opening his mouth, with the power to push the lip front teeth. Lightly massage the cheeks with both hands during exercise until you feel tension in the facial muscles. Then put your hands up and count to thirty. Regular performance of this exercise will allow you to maintain the desired shape of the face and keep the skin in good shape.