To be ready to kiss!
To avoid this, lip skin should always take care of. On the skin of the lips may affect external factors. Winter - low temperatures and dry air in the summer - increased solar activity, wind and dust. Spring lip skin suffers from a lack of vitamins (as well as the entire body). Cause an unhealthy kind of lips very often wont bite them, tearing teeth thin skin. Lips can suffer from an allergy to one or another component of toothpaste from a sharp drop in temperature. In most cases, fresh and juicy lips can be restored with the help of special food, gym, massage, use of masks and vitamin therapy.
Your tender lips need protection! Before going out, especially in winter and summer, do not forget to use lipstick. If there is no make-up on her face, use chapstick or colorless lip gloss. Not to save on cosmetics for lips - choose quality lipstick, which is composed of nourishing, moisturizing and sun protection components. Moisturizes lips "inside" - drink plenty of fluids. Try to keep your diet in the present products that are "like" lips fresh greens, fish, chicken, egg yolk, cheese and a variety of vegetables. All are rich in B vitamins, essential for healthy skin.
Masks Lip
Return to healthy looking skin lips help nourishing and moisturizing mask. Do they need to be three or four times per week. The mask is applied to clean skin of the lips and washed off with warm water with a cotton swab after 20-25 minutes. After applying the mask to lubricate lips balm, hygienic lipstick or cream.
If the skin is covered with small cracks and has a rough surface, will help mask of butter and an apple. Piece of apple sodium on a fine grater, mix with a teaspoon of softened butter and apply on lips thick.
Well proven carrot-honey mask. For its preparation you will need a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of carrot juice. Stir thoroughly and apply on lips. By the way, this mask is perfect for dry skin.
Mask of a mixture of cucumber juice, honey, cheese and sour cream (arbitrary proportions) will particularly effective impact if, after its application to lubricate lips with olive or corn oil. After the course of such masks lips acquire natural shine.
Special healing oil for the skin of the lips can be made at home. In half cup vegetable oil (preferably olive) added to squeeze out of the capsules, five drops of vitamin E and A. Mix well and keep the mixture into a dark place.
Massage lips
The procedure is simple, but very effective! Doing massage regularly, you prolong youthfulness of your lips and give them a healthy, attractive look! Morning and evening, using a toothbrush with soft bristles or the edge of a bath towel, massaging his lips in a circular motion for about 5 minutes. Massage can be done with fingertips, making light clapping motion. After the massage, masks and lip balms nutrients are especially effective.
Gymnastics for lips
1. Five or six times in a row making noises E, O, U. Then inhale deeply, naduy cheeks and let the air through pursed lips so as to create a sense of vibration. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.
2. Stretch lips into a smile, say the sound and and fix this position for 5-10 seconds. Relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
3. Stretch your lips and forth, keeping a position open and close the mouth - the movement that mimics fish breath. Repeat 15-20 times.
4. Make circular movements of the lower jaw to the left and right (10 times in each direction).
5. Opened his mouth wide and try to pull the lips inward. Hold this position, trying to stretch the muscles of the face. Relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Comes to the aid cosmetology
Shape and contour of the lips can be improved visually using a properly sized shades of lipstick, using some tricks when it is applied. For example, to add visual volume Mix two lips lipstick: a darker shade cover them in the center and along the edge of a lighter. Little "increase" the upper or lower lip can draw the outline with a pencil line, slightly extending beyond its borders, and carefully painted over lipstick.
If you want to make the effect more prolonged Take advantage of "contour makeup." During the procedure, the epidermis to a depth of about 0 and 5 millimeters with a special input device paint. The effect of this procedure is maintained for three to five years, it is quite painless and usually takes place without complications.
Olga Egorova