Eyebrows - this is an important element of any image, and it is important to carefully monitor them. Regardless of what nature gave you, will have to make some effort to achieve the ideal form.
Two main problems faced by women - too thick or, conversely, rare eyebrows. In the first case, the procedure is quite simple, though very painful. Will have to take the time to carefully pull out unwanted hairs. But it should be guided by certain rules.
Recommended before plucking the eyebrows, their little powder that could grab hairs tweezers, not slipping out of the sebaceous secretions. In addition, it is better to perform the procedure, moving in the direction of hair growth. Look in the mirror: what is your face shape? If you close the circle, it is better to do processing the bottom of eyebrows: thus you visually lift the them, and make the person more elongated.
If you are the owner elongated face, then reduce this effect will reverse procedure: Pay more attention to the upper part of the eyebrows.
When the procedure is required to treat the eyebrows moisturizers and wipe with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to make a cool compress - this will save them from discomfort and prevent inflammation.
But what if the nature of several cheated you and your eyebrows can not boast of density? Or if you overdid it when plucking? Do not worry, the situation is easily corrected. Firstly, there are a number of means intended for the drawing: using a variety of pencils can lengthen the brow line and make them more visually thick form to give them any.
If you have decided on a desired manner, and do not want to spend time on daily operations, you can make a chemical coloring eyebrows in a beauty salon.
Do not forget that the eyebrows can be unruly. hairs - lie in different directions. To cope with multi-directional growth and prevent razlohmachivaniya, get a styling gel eyebrows or a special brush for combing them. And remember that the main thing - do not form a neat and tidy appearance.