How to apply light make-up

How to apply light make-up
 In the morning time is often not even enough for a full breakfast. And, of course, make up all the rules to do the same once. However, to look good all the same wants. What to do? Make a light make-up, which takes the least time, but will give a face grooming.
 In order not to overload the face of a large number of cosmetic products, give preference to those that combine several functions. For example, instead of the combination of "foundation plus makeup base", use a moisturizing emulsion with tinted effect. Apply it all over your face. Available defects such as dark circles under the eyes, broken capillaries or traces of acne mask dense proofreader carefully by driving his fingertips. Type in a large fluffy brush loose powder to tone lighter skin and a few strokes, apply it on the face.

Whisk the excess powder small fan-shaped brush. Apply blush on the cheekbones, pale pink, peach or light brown tones. To achieve natural effects overlay their large flat brush, leading her nose to the temples, he and rounding out a comma. Thoroughly blend the blush, achieving an even tone. Light make-up should go to bed very smoothly, as if merging with skin color.

Arrange eyebrows, use special color shades or wax. Under the brow bar apply a light pink soft pencil and blend well it. This will open the visual look and give the face a fresh, rested appearance. Forever put shadows in the form of powder or pencil. Choose calm colors - beige, light gray, quiet and green. If you are afraid that they smazhutsya or rolled up, apply a pre-forever a thin layer of special colorless fixing base - it will keep up on the day.

Light make-up does not require eyeliner. But without the mascara can not do. Select lengthening mascara with the effect - it looks natural, subtly emphasizing the beauty of the eyes. Instead of the usual black ink, try brown, chocolate, dark blue or plum color. They do not give color and hint at it, noticeable only at certain angles. One layer of mascara is enough. Carefully comb eyelashes brush.

The last point - registration lips. Select lipgloss quiet tones or soft non-sticky gloss. Emphasize drawing lip pencil in tone and carefully paint their chosen means. As a finishing touch, apply a few drops of your favorite fragrance - the same light as your makeup.

Tags: makeup