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First of all,thin lips may simply be a sign that the owner has in their family ancestors who lived in the Far North. It is for these people is characterized by thin lips. It is clear that they can not all be angry and envious polls.
All representatives of the African tribes mess of, have broad and fleshy lips, which are the envy of every fashionista. But we do not say that the representatives of the people are kind and generous priori.
Science offers us physiognomy character interpretation based on the width of the lips, but this is still considered a plurality of parts: shape, size of mouth, skin brightness, and so forth. So we see that even science is not "cuts one size fits all."
Let's look more specific, what they say about fizignomisty holders of thin lips.
Thin lips character
Thin lips say that their owner has eloquence, vivid and sharp mind, differ scrupulous. In a relationship a woman may seem a little chilly, but it is able to display affection, and even passion.
Thin bright lips with a small mouth - a sign that the lady is very shy, hardly makes decisions fairly secretive. But at the same time the owner of the mouth - nature is extremely peaceful.
Thin little lips, Tender and beautifully contoured indicate mind, humility and honesty crystal of their owner. In addition, these people are very forgiving and generous.
If the lips are covered with loose, so their owners are likely some spoiled, the difficulties of life had passed her, but because she has a rather windy and carefree character.
If the upper lip protrudes forward more than the bottom, you're dealing with an intelligent, capable of directly and clearly express their thoughts and opinions, but not without caution.
In addition to the width of the lip on the determination of the nature and also affects the position of corners. If they are lowered, the person most likely dissatisfied with life, takes any adverse circumstances as a personal insult and live it quite difficult.
Raised corners, on the contrary, point to the person from all sides positive, raduyuschuyusya change and easy to cope with life situations.
If ownerthin lips medium-sized mouth with hard lips, her safely be relied upon in difficult matters, it has the necessary firmness and courage, capable of quickly and accurately make decisions.
Acute clearly outlined mouth - a sign of high intelligence.
The poor quality of ownersthin lips by the following features:
- Lips are very thin - nature is cruel enough, beware of treachery and vile deeds;
thin lips and as if depressed - it can be assumed propensity to hypocrisy and envy;
- Thin lips, long, with fuzzy Stretched angles - the possessor is better not to get on the tongue. She loves to gossip.
- Thin lips, the lower number of projects forward - it is possible to suspect selfishness and resentment.
If some of the features you do not like, and you know exactly what to you it is not, do not worry, remember that for every rule there must exist an exception. Remember how many famous actors, politicians and other famous people have a tonic lips. In spite of this, we admire them, if they are worth it, despite the shape of the lips.
And you do not have to constantly be ashamed of his thin lips and catch suspicious looks when we first met, we invite you to arm a little trick that will help hide the lack of (sufficient, in my opinion, controversial).
Makeup for thin lips
Thus, performingmake thin lips you need to follow a few simple rules.
Do not usemake-up thin lips dark and matte lipstick, it's just more visually reduce the lips. In your arsenal should be bright colors and shiny or shimmering additives. It is best to stick to the natural scale.
If you like juicy or dark tones, better to choose pearl lipstick, gloss wet effect, special facilities where there is a mark that they are visually enhances the lips.
Liner selected properly, can also spoil the deal. Do not buy dark and bright podvodok. The best option - pencil that matches in color and tone to the lips of your lipstick or, in extreme cases it can be a semitone lighter. As an option - generally refuse contour pencil, if you have a clear picture of the lips.
If you manage to get results when you use the classic version (pencil on a lighter shade of lipstick) safely use this method.
If you use a loop, then it can be used to change the width of the lips, draw a new line. However, do not get involved and draw a line too far, the optimal width - 1-2 mm beyond the natural (some makeup artists advise not to retreat farther than 0, 5 mm). If you pull back on the mouth look unnatural, if not will resemble a clown makeup.
After drawing the contour line is best feather gently towards the middle of the lips, and then carefully cover lipstick.
Another method, used by stylists, draw it along the edge of a light beige or white pencil outline, then paint the lips bright lipstick, and finally add a little more luster.
Another bag of tricks from makeup artists: light or white outline is applied also on the edge of the lips, and then right along the contour of the lips are brought light shine.
If you do not like too much lip gloss, you can not cover their lips completely, and just put points on top of lipstick - this technique will also help visuallyincrease the thin lips.
Excellent optionMakeup for thin lips is permanent makeup. It can not only increase the lips, but also adjust the shape. In addition, this procedure will allow you long enough to solve the problem of daily makeup.
Many women choose to correct the gel injection, but here, I think, need to consider the side effects of the procedure and to pay attention to the choice of a specialist, you are going to entrust their health and beauty.
In conclusion I would like to remind you that no tricks will not help if you do not properly care for your lips. This means that every day you should pay attention to thoroughly clean the lips, make-up, use moisturizing creams and balms caring, have a beautician means protecting lips from chapping and sun damage.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady