For sensitive skin, prone to fat, tone suitable fluid with a light air texture. If your skin has a reddish hue, choose the means with yellow midtone - it will mask the redness. For pale faces suit fluid with a pink tinge, which will refresh the skin. Lightweight Mousse even out skin tone, but serious defects will not be able to hide.
Over-dry, flaky skin will help to remedy the effect of moisture. This can be easily tinting emulsion without oil and alcohol. It will give the face tan and perfect for the summer heat. Denser coatings give creams with silicone - they hide peeling and visually align the skin, concealing redness, pimples and other skin imperfections. Small wrinkles can be masked by means of a lifting effect.
For more serious camouflage means exist in the form of thick pastes. These creams can even disguise scars or burn marks. They are applied in dot on the problem areas and carefully pierce the skin with fingertips.
Carefully read the composition of the foundation, on the package. Alcohol, talc, mineral oil and ester may cause irritation. Skin prone to couperose, rashes and flaking, and is not suitable organic cosmetics with essential oils and creams with a sharp perfume. Before buying, make sure that the vehicle contains sunscreen. Ideal for sensitive skin index of not less than 15 SPF.
Choosing a package, give preference to the bottle with the pump. In this cream can be used without fear of bacteria enter into it. Buying cream, make sure to check the expiration date. Overdue agent can harm sensitive skin. The same applies to creams detected. Do not buy or exfoliated discolored tonal resources - owners of the delicate skin prone to allergies should be especially careful when choosing cosmetics.