Prepare the skin for makeup. Day of December thirty-first, highlight ten - fifteen minutes to make a mask. Energy or nutrient - you choose, most importantly - give your skin what it lacks.
Just before you start to paint, moisten the skin with low-fat cream or gel, let it soak. Proceed to disguise flaws Take corrector tone or two lighter than your skin and apply it in small strokes on the area under the eyes. This will help your look to stay fresh throughout the night. This also means all hide redness, spider veins and acne.
Apply concealer. If the color of your skin is perfect, this step can be skipped. The rest will have to create the foundation of a beautiful makeup using sponge or fingers. Do not forget to smooth the boundaries of the application to get rid of the effect of the mask.
Use icing to secure the basics, emphasize cheekbones blush peach or pink hue. New Year's Eve you can try pearlescent paint, creating a beautiful glow effect on your face.
Select where you put the emphasis - on the eyes or lips. Do not stress and do both at once. Prior to the selection of shades necessarily consider whether they are suitable for the selected outfit.
Move the eye pencil or liquid eyeliner for emphasis, apply shadows and blend them. In the holiday you can afford all shades - from blue-black to bright green. The main thing is to color match with your type of appearance. Choose a shade with sequins or pearl highlights.
If the eyes are made up brightly, the lips should be emphasized neutral lipstick or gloss. If the focus is on the past, bring a pencil to shade darker selected lipstick, apply a base color and secure transparent shine.