How to make a correction eyelashes

How to make a correction eyelashes
 Accrued eyelashes make eyes look more soft and mysterious. They are able to coordinate their own direction of growth of eyelashes and hide them not long enough. However, these lashes are short-lived and require careful maintenance to him and timely correction.
 The procedure for the correction of eyelashes is a simple, safe and allows you to extend the life of Accreted beauty. Working time is an average of about an hour. The first correction should be made at the end of the week after extension. This must be done in order to see the compatibility of materials and the reaction of the skin to the applied adhesive.

Lifetime natural eyelash averages 20-50 days. At the time of her loss is removed and the donor eyelashes. Therefore, the task of correction - stick new eyelashes grow back on its own. Subsequently, the procedure can be repeated once every 2-3 weeks.

The frequency of correction depends on the method of capacity. When beam-correction is done more often than poresnichno. Also, it should be done more often if a woman has oily skin age. This is due to the fact that the glue used in the building, is not resistant to the fat-containing substances.

Correction is best done from the same master who stepped up eyelashes. Immediately before the procedure must be thoroughly washed off all makeup from the eyelids, eliminate traces of mascara and remove contact lenses. Should not be before and after the correction to curl lashes.

The adhesive should be selected is the same as that used for eyelash extensions. During the correction of the master determines the required number of donor material, then use a pair of tweezers or a bundle of each eyelash eyelashes applies to the eyelids and fixes to the natural eyelash glue.

After eyelash can manifest warning signs: signs of conjunctivitis, excessive tearing, and others. Upon detection of such symptoms should immediately appear qualified technician. The reasons for this may be a contraindication to both individual eyelash extensions, and poor performance of the work.

Tags: correction