Automatic pencils sharpened not allow broken pencil - it can simply be adjusted up and down one turn of the housing. There are also bilateral funds liner with different colors at each end. Often manufacturers offer a built-in sharpener for the lead on the cap of the product.
At the same time good as wooden cabinet and made of soft plastic. At the same time, wood, plastic and make it easy to podstrugat pencil sharpener special beveled cosmetic.
Pay attention to the hardness of the product: pencil should not be too hard, so you do not use force when applied, and not too soft, so as not to spread out and not lubricated. In the composition of cosmetic pencils can be found not only pigments responsible for the color, but also vitamins, plant extracts, caring and nourish lips. Thus, the oil in the composition are responsible for the hydration of the skin, wax - for soft pencil lead, dye - for shade.
Even on the tiny stick duly marked on the manufacturer, place of manufacture, composition, durability, tone number and expiration date.
As for color, there are more than a thousand shades of contour pencils. Which to choose? The ideal is considered complete color match with the tone of lipstick eyeliner pencil may also be slightly darker lipstick, but not lighter. If you buy a cosmetic product as a basis for shine, the color of the pencil should be selected under the shade of the skin of the lips.