How to raise eyebrows

How to raise eyebrows
 Beautiful eyebrow line - it's a dream of every woman. Regular shape eyebrows give the face expression and charming. Remarkably, if nature has endowed woman ideal shape eyebrows. But even if the form does not like, it can be corrected in the salon or on their own.
 Depending on the type of face, women choose eyebrow shape correction: it can be bent eyebrows, straight or slightly elevated. Speaking of little raised eyebrows dream many women whose eyebrows by nature are too low. How to make eyebrows visually slightly higher than they really are? There are a number of cosmetic methods by which to solve this problem.

Prepare the necessary tools: cosmetics eyebrow pencil, tweezers, alcohol and cotton pads. Further treat the skin on the upper eyelid and tweezers alcohol solution. Be sure to carry out this procedure in order to avoid inflammation. The tool must necessarily be sterile: observe this rule to beauty does not require you to sacrifice. Lightly stretch the skin on the upper eyelid before starting the procedure.

If the skin is stretched, the pain will be less, and the work you will be much easier. Then pluck the hairs in the direction of their growth. Use a dry cotton wool for pain oschuscheniy.Suhoy wool spend on age every time another hair plucking. This will reduce the sensitivity threshold. Remove several rows of hairs below.

In the event that the eyebrows are wide enough, it is necessary to remove a number of 2-3 hairs from the middle to the end of the eyebrows towards the outer corner of the eye. This will allow the visually make the eyebrow above. Wipe the skin with a lotion or alcohol.
Remember that are right for lotions, creams can not be used because you can carry infection. By the way, eyebrow correction can not be done when there is inflammation of the skin.

You can use the technique of permanent makeup, if you want to make the result stable. Tattoo - a great modern alternative to the usual eyebrow correction. However, it is worth remembering that this procedure should be performed only in the beauty salon - and, of course, an experienced craftsman.

Tags: eyebrow