There are mechanical and wooden eyebrow pencils requiring sharpening. Each has its advantages. Mechanical more simple and easy to use, and wood - Cheap (enough for a long time and is cheaper).
How to choose an eyebrow pencil
Do not confuse eyeliner and eyebrow pencil. Eyebrow pencil is much harder. If it is too soft, it is very much to make up his eyebrows, and it will look vulgar.
Classic colors eyebrow pencil is black, but the stores can be found a number of shades of brown and beige.
Black is better suited to owners of dark brown and black hair. Brown hair and reddish brown shades should be selected. And blondes - respectively beige or ash brown.
For a more natural effect immediately, you can choose 2, similar in color pencil. Close to the bridge of the nose should be applied to a darker shade, and his temple - a lighter.
How to paint eyebrow pencil
Check whether a sharp pencil. For convenience, wooden pencil sharpener - put it on a few minutes in the freezer.
Next, apply light strokes in those places that you think needs to be corrected. These strokes should simulate hair eyebrows.
We should not let down the whole eyebrow one continuous motion. Better to just draw a little of their borders. After that comb brows special brush - you will achieve this light shading pencil.