The appearance of freckles on his face and the human body due mainly hereditary factor. They appear in 5-6 years and remain for life, and by adolescence they may be more. Most often their owners are blondes and redheads people with fair skin. Freckles can be lighter in shade, and may be dark. Their number also varies. Someone a lot of them, and someone almost there. In spring and summer, when solar activity is high, freckles becomes larger. Therefore, people with such skin is recommended to use special sunscreen.
In cosmetic stores today sold a lot of lightening, whitening creams and masks that will help reduce the amount of pigment spots and make them less noticeable. But there is a huge number of popular recipes that have a similar effect.
Skin bleaching oils can be used. Have a whitening effect of lemon oil, rose, rosewood, neroli, peppermint, etc. Of these, the following may be formulated for removing freckles. Take 50 ml of grape seed oil, mix it with any three oils. Pour this mixture into a dark vial and close the lid. A small amount of oil is applied to the area covered with freckles before bedtime.
Very often, to lighten pigment spots use tinctures and creams, prepared on the basis of medicinal plants. Good whitening effect has parsley. You can use freshly squeezed juice of this plant, but you can pour boiling water over chopped greens, leave for about 30 minutes. This solution was cleaned skin several times per day.
Dandelion - This is another plant that helps fight successfully with freckles. You can only use fresh juice of the plant, which is worn on the dark spots. After it dries, you should clean the skin serum or yogurt. Or you can make a tincture of dandelion flowers. Chopped flowers pour boiling water and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. After remove the bowl from the heat and allow the solution to cool and strain it. Wipe the face of this tincture twice a day.
You can make a tincture of horseradish. Root rinse well and grind in a meat grinder. Then press the resulting mush. Wetting a cotton swab or cloth in this solution, wipe the skin on a daily basis, which has freckles.
Whitening cream of cucumber, nettles and dandelion. Peel the cucumber from the skin and rub it on a small grater. Finely chop the young nettle leaves and dandelion. Combine all ingredients in equal proportions, press the resulting mixture. Now a solution of 15 g of lanolin, add 50 ml of almond or peach butter, cucumber weight and 1 tsp squeezed juice. Cover the bowl with a lid and put on a slow fire. Remove an hour, cool, well whisk this mixture, add the 2 drops of lemon oil and 3 drops of rosewood. Bleaching cream is ready. Apply a thin layer on the parts of the body where there are dark spots and freckles.