Of course, beautiful, well-made tattoo attracts attention and generates interest, but before you get a tattoo, everyone should realize the fact that he would have her "wearing" a lifetime. Therefore, the choice of the master and the figure should come with full responsibility and prudence.
A good result depends on a number of elements: from machines, needles, pigments, pressure springs, stretch marks, hand movements, etc. The first thing to check how the machine is configured. Bending springs should be sufficient to protolknoveniya front springs to the contact screw. The tip of the needle should fit like width. If it is a little unsteady, the accuracy will be lost.
Good use of needles with a carbon coating. They are best administered stainless paint. The tip of a needle should be covered with mineral oil or petroleum jelly.
Do not pack too tightly needle, as will be more difficult to get an even layer of color and smooth gradation. To achieve a solid color fill, you need to slow down the rhythm and find suitable. Then you need to stretch the skin between thumb and forefinger and the edge of the working hand. In this case, the master must feel the beating of needles. Movement in this process should be unhurried rhythm - even. Brushing should be done so as to obtain a velvety richness of the skin. In this case, it is well and heal quickly.
The color of the school was better to use thick, dense pigments. A good intermediate shade can be obtained by immersing the tip in different colors gradually. At the same time, and transitions turn out softer.
Certain body-painting also expresses the ideology of the owner. Often painted his body fans of heavy music, bikers and others. We can say that in a certain sense tattoo expresses class association rights.
Tattoos on your drawing are also divided into different types:
-keltskie patterns,
-Portrait, animals,
-nadpisi in different languages,
-kartiny nature
-Symbols, signs, etc.
Choice and self-expression are endless. Many people invest in the drawings on the body of a sacred, magical meaning. For example, fragments of prayers or incantations as a talisman. Someone paints his own body as a sign of eternal love and memory, portraying a loved one or beloved.
Tattoos are also divided into types: permanent makeup, scarification made from henna made of resistant paints.
For example, permanent makeup is very popular among women, holding such a tattoo about three to five years. Thanks to her, do not need daily eye shadow, eyebrow or lip contour is the same make-up, but the paint is applied not to the skin surface, but underneath it.
Henna tattoos, many do on the resort, as it is quite fast and inexpensive. Besides drawing executed in your body disappears approximately 1-2 weeks. When applying this tattoo ink under the skin is not entered, so not disturbed layer of the epidermis.
Scarification (scarification) - drawing on body art scars. When this procedure is used most real scalpels. If you already have on the body scars, then using them, you can create a certain pattern, thus creating a work of art.
Tattoos made of resistant inks - the most common type of tattoo. Thus with the help of special machines ink injected under the skin. This tattoo will stay on your body for life.
In any case, make a tattoo or not - it's up to you. You just need to remember some moments before heading to the master at the reception:
• Tattoo is for life. The so-called "information" tattoo scars on the skin.
• The progress of the tattoo can be a painful and take a long time.
• There is a great risk of contracting blood, you can not do tattoos in "underground" salons.
• When printing on the body can manifest all sorts of allergies.
Carefully weigh the "pros" and "cons" and accept their individual decision.